Torch alignment guide for off-table beveling
To make the off-table bevel process better suited for plasma cutting, eliminate problems setting up the bevel torch and achieve high quality bevel cuts at accurate angles, Hypertherm offers a torch alignment guide and V-bevel process charts for Powermax65®/85/105/125 or MAXPRO200® systems with machine torches mounted on a suitable tractors.
The torch alignment guide is a metal tool the operator can use to set the proper torch-to-workpiece distance at the desired torch angle. The operator can use the included V-bevel process charts to set up Powermax systems for Air cutting at 65, 85, 105, and 125 amps, or MAXPRO200 for Air/Air or O2/Air cutting at 130 and 200 amps. The charts provide information for cutting bevel metal from 0.25″ to 1.75″ thick (6-45 mm) with parameters for making bevel cuts between 22.5 degrees to 45 degrees.
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Item | Description |
528077 | Torch Alignment Guide for Powermax125 and MAXPRO200 |